MacGregor State High School seeks to inspire and empower students to learn, contribute and lead in school and beyond. Senior Secondary students (year 11-12) engage in a diverse range of learning pathways, that support their interests, abilities and future pathway ambitions.
Our school aligns with the requirements of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in delivering learning pathways for Senior Secondary students. The QCAA provides a Senior Secondary schooling in Queensland: A guide for parents and carers, to help with planning for years 11 and 12 and understanding Senior Secondary for students. For more information about specific elements of Senior Secondary (QCE, QCIA, Senior Syllabus, Assessment, VET and ATAR), please access additional Senior Secondary QCAA resources.
Every student can achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or a modified Queensland Curriculum and Individual Assessment (QCIA), which recognises satisfactory participation for an individual student across Senior Secondary. Many students choose to aspire for an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) utilised to support future tertiary studies.
Our school aligns with the requirements of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in delivering learning pathways for Senior Secondary students. For more information about Senior Secondary (QCE, QCIA, Senior Syllabus, Assessment, VET and ATAR), please access QCAA resources
There are many learning pathways for students and most importantly, we support every student to be the best they can be through engagement in their own unique learning pathway that meets their needs.
Students in Senior Secondary are able to access the QCAA MyQCE website. Students can access the MyQCE Student Portal Login via the home page to register for an account using their Learning Unique Identifier (LUI) issued for every learner when initially registered with the QCAA (issued at the start of year 10 for every enrolled student).
The QCAA provide MyQCE student portal video tutorials to help with registering for the student portal, accessing resources inside the student portal and accessing results. Year 12 students utilise MyQCE student portal to access their final results and official documents at the end of year 12. Further information is available in the MyQCE student portal FAQs from the QCAA.
For any student having trouble finding their LUI or accessing the MyQCE student portal, members of our Senior Secondary team (Head of Department Senior Secondary or Deputy Pathways) can be contacted for support.
Obtaining a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
The QCE is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements.
The QCE allows students to choose from a wide range of learning options to suit their interests and career goals.
To receive a QCE, students must achieve the set amount of learning, in the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements.
Set amount
Set standard
Satisfactory completion, grade of C or better, competency or qualification completion, pass or equivalent.
Set pattern
Literacy and numeracy requirements
Students must meet literacy and numeracy requirements through one of the available learning options.
For more information visit
Obtaining an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) - Entering Higher Education
Please note this information is subject to change in response to directives from the QCAA and/or QTAC.
ATAR is the primary mechanism used nationally for tertiary admissions and indicates a student’s position relative to other students. It is the standard measure of a student’s overall academic achievement in relation to other students where these students have studied different subject combinations.
ATARS are expressed as a number on a 2000-point scale from 99.95 down to 0.00 in steps of 0.05. So the highest ATAR is 99.95, then 99.90, then 99.85, and so on, down to 0.00. ATARS below 30 are reported as ‘30.00 or less’.
For more information visit
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is “education and training for work” and part of a broader educational network in Australia that includes schools, TAFE, Universities and Private Registered Training Organisations (RTO).
VET studies award students with Certificate Qualifications (1, 2, 3 or 4) in a range of courses. These qualifications contribute towards QCE attainment.
VET courses can be studied as stand-alone academic courses or combined with on the job training in the form of School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SAT’s).
For more information visit
2025 VET Pathways Handbook